
Glands in the ear canal secrete earwax. Earwax prevents dust and other microscopic particles from reaching the eardrum and causing damage or infection. After some time, the wax hardens and slips out of the ear, bringing with it any dirt or debris that had been trapped in there. 

Like hair colour and height, the amount and composition of earwax you produce are inherited. The natural wax that our ears produce may have trouble draining out of ear canals that are too narrow or have an unusual shape. Impacts from wax are a possible result.

Symptoms of an earwax impaction include:

  • Decreased hearing
  • Ear pain
  • Ringing in the ear
  • Plugged or fullness sensation

At Vital Hearing, our team specialises in earwax removal procedures with use of microsuction technique. The earwax microsuction is considered more safe and minimally invasive compared to traditional ear syringing technique which is often used by medical practitioners and nurses. Often earwax softening drops are used prior to soften the wax to make it easier to be removed.

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